
Saturday, October 4, 2008

On Thursday and Friday of our trip we headed to Disneyland and California Adventure. You know those commercials that show parents going into to Disney and turning into little kids with their children? Well, Kevin and I kind of feel like that every time we go. We have so much fun there together.

This time was the best time yet though. The end of September is a GREAT time to go. Most of the kids that are there are too tiny to ride any of the fun rides so it's perfect. The line waits were 2o minutes at the most and many of the rides we were interested in had line waits of 10 minutes or less. On our 2nd night there, we rode our favorite coaster, Big Thunder Mountain, 4 times in a row in about a half hour.

We have a Disney strategy and it tends to work for us. We almost always start our first morning at California Adventure because the parents with kids tend to head to Disneyland first so California Adventure is basically deserted.

That way we are able to do all our favorite rides plus hit up some shows. Fun times! One of my favorite shows is Muppetvision. I kind of *heart* Muppets and I make Kevin go every time.

Kevin always goes and rides Tower of Terror, which I refuse to ride since I hate falling so I wander around and call my mom and take pictures of stuff. There's lots of great stuff to take photos of at California Adventure. There is this
amazing ceramic mural that I love. It has everything in it from spoons to half of mugs and ever color you can imagine. I'm pretty fascinated with it.

I also love all the different building facades they have made up to look like the fronts of famous buildings.

After we rode everything we wanted to ride we headed over to Disneyland.

Kevin planned out our route while we wait in line for Indiana Jones. Wheeee! That's such a fun ride.

They have just recently renovated the Submarine Ride with a Nemo theme. I got over my fear of submarines so we could check it out.

It was actually pretty cool. We highly recommend checking it out.

While we were in line I heard Star Wars music and Kevin said that they do a Jedi Training show. And after spending a weekend with my Star Wars obsessed friend, Traci, I was all excited about it. So after we did the Submarine Ride we rode Space Mountain a couple times and waited for the next Jedi Training show.

It was SO cool. These Jedi people come marching out to the Star Wars music and I could have sworn they were straight from the movie. The main teacher guy swings his light saber around all cool and official like.

Then they pick like a million kids from the audience to learn how to be Jedi knights. After their "training", Darth Vader and Storm Troopers and Darth Maul show up. SO COOL. The kids each get a chance to try out their new skills on Darth Vader. I wanted to be a kid!

After that we had ridden everything we wanted to so we just wandered around without a plan. Here's Kevin in front of Tom Sawyer's Island...which I still have never been on and every time we tell ourselves that we are going to go but we always forget until they've stopped taking people over there!

Then we discovered that they had just opened the Haunted Mansion and it had been rethemed "Nightmare Before Christmas" for Halloween. It was pretty cool.

After that there was more aimless wandering. I got a little silly.

I was still a little silly the next morning when went back to Disneyland.

Kevin was very nice and let me spend the morning in my favorite part of Disneyland, Fantasyland. I love all the sweet little rides and all the European inspired details everywhere. It makes me smile.

So then we went back over California Adventure. And Kevin rode the Maliboomer. I refuse to ride it since it combines 2 things I hate....being shot into the air and falling.

After that, we rode more rides, ate more food and became very tired of parents letting their children be obnoxious. We were originally going to stay until the fireworks but I came very close to lecturing parents about the need to, you know...parent. So we figured we should call it a night.

All in all, it was a very good trip to Disney.


Traci said...

First of all, fear of submarines? We so didn't get to that one yet, but I have a huge fear of them too!

Second...Jedi training? Have you seen my post way back when about this:

Very cool. Although I always wonder how the Disney Parks managed to wrangle the Star Wars rights away from George Lucas' hands. Is there some connection there that I'm completely unaware of?

All in all, sounds like a great day. Good strategy team Reitz!

Emily said...

I love Disney, too and always feel like a kid again. It's also super way fun to take our own kids now, it's such a fun adventure for them, too. We've only hit a Disney park every year of our 4 years of marriage. I get near it and I just can't resist!

Emily said...

You think I'm having another boy?