
Thursday, October 9, 2008

I know I need to finish telling you about my vacation....but I'm not going to today.

Today I'm going to tell you that I'm frustrated.

With what, you say?

Firstly, job hunting.

I've been looking for a job on and off for about a month. I sent my resume in to many places that had advertised for positions that I was more than capable of filling. NOT one of them even acknowledged receipt of my resume. If they don't want to interview me, fine, but couldn't they at least let me know that they got my e-mail?!


I'm starting to get very bored. And stir crazy. In the begining, I had fun keeping my house really really clean. Now, pfffbt, not so much. Don't get me house is sufficiently kept up. Just not as clean as it was a few months ago.

I'm also not nearly the crafty lil' beaver I thought I would be when I didn't have to work. I had visions of me making stuff all the time.


I've discovered that given large quantities of free time I am not nearly as productive as I am when I have small bits of time to get stuff done. Also, I do better when someone else imposes a deadline on me rather than one that I arbitrarily assign myself.

Another reason, I need a job is that I've recently been inclined to give up on any clothing that isn't of the sweatpant variety....and that's not cool. Plus there are things that I wish to do and save up for that will not happen if I don't get a job. Things like a fancy camera, a nice printer, a trip to China with Traci and her husband, cute shoes, school, etc.

If you think about it, please pray that God brings me a job that I love and won't hate going to every day and that I find it sooner rather than later.

Secondly, my clothes aren't fitting. I have been losing and gaining the same 5 pounds for about 4 months now. It wouldn't be so bad if the 5 pounds went back to the same spot each time but instead they go to to a different area. Sometimes my tummy, sometimes my thighs, sometimes my posterior region.

Currently it's some weirdo combination of all 3 and unfortunately, I chose today to go try and find a cute outfit or two for interviews (you know the whole if you build it, they will come principle...if I have a cute interview outfit then an interview will come my way!) Well, out of the 20 things I tried on, only 3 things fit. It was seriously like looking at my head on someone else's body. Stuff just wasn't fitting right.

Not fun.

I'm trying to figure out a good consistent weight loss/toning regime. I'm thinking about South Beach.

Do you have any good weight loss/workout tips?


Emily said...

Sorry your frustrated, seems like you've got a lot of reason to be :-( I'm praying for you!

Faithicus said...

I feel your pain girl. I paid a personal trainer for two months to help jump start my weight loss. Along with that, I maintained a 1200-1500 cal. diet. And all I saw from this was a loss of 2 lbs, gaining 1 lb of muscle, crippling knee pain and increase pain in my elbow. So now..... I am just doing 45 min minimum of cardio everyday, with the same caloric intake. We shall see. I find, when I lower my carbs, even if Im not doing atkins or SB, it helps me lose better. But everybodys bodies are different.
It sounds like you are feeling kinda poopy about things overall. I will definitely be praying for you and your situation. And if you think of it, pray for me too. :)