Randomly Random

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Hideyho peeps! (Did you watch Home Improvement back in the 90's...Wilson was the best!)

Thank you all for you nice words of encouragement! They went straight into my love bank and were very appreciated. Even though you are mostly all family...it's still nice to hear kind words!

So Kevin and I are going to Oklahoma today! I've never been there before and it's always fun to go to new places. I have no idea what it will look like or be like or anything so I'll have to let you know what I discover. However, I won't have my laptop with me since Mimi has decided she's allergic to wireless so even if I lugged her up there I wouldn't be able to get on the internet. (I'm currently tethered to my favorite green chair. Beh.) So I'll try to post from Kevin's computer but no promises.

Since I will most likely not be posting for several days I thought I would leave you with a random list of randomness.

1. I ate a lot of fried foods this weekend. Deep dish pizza for dinner on saturday followed up with the most amazing chocolate breadstick things that are actually more delicious than donuts. Sunday brought left over pizza for lunch and then for dinner a large fry from McDonalds with non-grilled chicken strips (so, you know, fried).

2. The fried foods sitting in my gullet made me feel....gross. So sunday night I decided I needed to do something to combat my growing thighs. It was too late to walk or anything so I decided to do squats and lunges.

A lot of them.

3. It's been 2 days since my fried food/squat binge-o-rama and my. butt. still. hurts. Seriously, I am walking like a cowboy after a long trail ride and it's not pretty.

4. Let this be a lesson to you all...just like fried foods, squats should only be done in moderation.

5. My chin has decided to break out. Could it be connected to the fried food? I don't know but probably. This has lead me to wish that bank robber fashion were in vogue so that I could wear a bandanna around the lower part of my face and just call it a day.

6. Speaking of fashion, Wallymart has my favorite dress EVER in a multitude of different colors. I now own it in brown and black and am thinking about going back and buying it in charcoal grey, bright blue and red. This dress is seriously the most comfortable piece of clothing I own. And it's only $14.92. I highly recommend that you run out to your local Wallymart and buy one.

Seriously. Go now. I'll be here when you get back. And while you are there, will you get me some Hot Tamales? Thanks!

7. For those of you who don't know, if I talk about something and then you see text in a different color, if you click on that text it will take you to a web page that has a picture or information of some sort pertaining to that text. For example, when I mentioned my favorite dress ever if you were to click on those words it would take you to the Wallymart website for that dress.

8. We have little teeny lizards that live in our garage. They are peach colored with grey splotches. They eat spiders and I love them for it.

9. The lizards in our mailbox grew up and moved out so I am now free to get my mail without irrational fear. * edited to add that Kevin just read this and told me that he found a lizard in the mailbox yesterday so irrational fear is reinstated.

10. I love coffee. Well, it's not as much that I love coffee more that I need coffee in my system before I can get out of bed in the morning. I am, in fact, currently considering the tackyness level of getting one of those little single serving coffee makers to go next to my bed.

Dude. You know what they should make? A single serving coffee maker alarm clock. 5 minutes before your alarm goes off it would brew you up a cup o' joe. Seriously.... I am brilliant.

Thoughts? Tacky or practical? Let me know.


Unknown said...

Oh dear, you make me smile. That really is a genius idea, the coffee maker alarm clock, you should so invent one, you could be rich!

Nicole said...

Hahaha oh Shelley I love reading your random thoughts :-)
Sorry I haven't commented on your blogs much lately. I've been a huge slacker and just haven't really commented on anyones for awhile. I sometimes get in the mood :-) So sorry! I hope you don't hate me :-( Miss you!

Nicole said...

And I also think I don't comment very much, is because when I'm in a hurry and just check out everyone's blogs real fast I usually look for pictures and if I don't see pictures I just go to someone else's blog. I know... Not a good reason, but its true :-(

Nicole said...

But hey! I wrote three on this one today! Look at me go! ;-)