Sometimes it rains a lot and I take random photos

Monday, September 15, 2008

Happy Monday!

How was your weekend? I hope it was pleasant and hurricane free.

As for us, we watched A LOT of the Weather Channel which caused me to freak out and cancel some lunch plans we had and then I ended up feeling like an idiot about it because the storm we had here was so mellow. We had WAY more scary storms in the spring. I kept thinking "this is it? This is what I canceled lunch for?" It was both a let down and a relief, especially after seeing what Ike was doing to Houston and Galvaston. Those poor people!

Hmm....what else this weekend? Oh! Church service was so awesome! I love Lake Pointe!! They are starting a 40 day prayer initiative and I'm so excited about it. They've asked everyone in church to commit for 40 days to pray for their families 7 days a week, with their families 5 times a week and with just their spouses 2 times a week.

Did you know that the American divorce rate hovers between 40%-50% BUT for couples who pray together on a regular basis it is less than 1%!?

I'm really looking forward to see what God does with this!

Ok, well, now that you are pretty much caught up with my weekend. Here are some pictures from our trip to Oklahoma.

It was VERY rainy on our drive there.

About halfway there Kevin saw a lady with flat tire and she had no idea she had a flat tire. So I wrote "FLAT TIRE" on a piece of paper and held it up as we drove by her and honked. She looked oh so very confused but eventually pulled over.

We pulled over with her to see if we could help (and by "we could help" I mean "Kevin could help"). They eventually decided that she would call her family to come get her and we went on our way. In the meantime I took a picture of the pretty hillside to remember the occasion.

We eventually arrived in Oklahoma City and to my surprise I saw that they had the CUTEST little houses everywhere. This one was one of my favorites.

As well as cute houses, OKC also has its share of weird businesses. This loan place just made me chuckle. They had a giant inflatable Sherlock Holmes. Why they named their loan place after him I just don't get...but it made me chuckle. Sorry that picture is at a weird angle, I had to take the picture as we were driving past it so the shot is out the back passenger window.

There was a lot of construction and we had to merge lanes a lot so I took a picture of the arrow. I don't know why. But here it is.

That night we went to the Olive Garden and I ate too many breadsticks. It was awesome. I didn't take pictures because a breadstick induced bloated me in sweatpants is not so photogenic.

The next day Kevin did his business thing and then we went to the coolest part of Oklahoma City called "Brick Town" but I didn't know we were going somewhere cool (for some reason I thought we were going to Sonic) so I didn't take my camera. But they have a canal and lots of brick buildings and yummy restaurants.

Tomorrow (or Wednesday) I'll post about our visit to the bombing memorial.