Florence Nightingill

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Hank is sick.

I believe it had something to do with not having cleaned his jar for 3 weeks around the time we went on our trip to Southern California. I knew I should have cleaned it before we left but I didn't. Because sometimes I'm lame like that. Then when we got back I was too busy with laundry and stuff and ended up taking about a week before I got around to it. Unfortunately, by then the prolonged swimming around in his own filth had taken its toll on him.

Surprising, I know!

Since then I've been pretty good about cleaning his jar but he just hasn't been his feisty little self and his color has been weird and he's looking a bit...um...slimy. So today I set out in search of a cure. I didn't even know if you could treat sick fish. And honestly, I was a bit embarrassed to admit that I was the cause of his sickness but I was determined to make him better if I could.

Luckily for me, they do! And after the girl at the pet store listened to me describe my fish's sickness rather graphically for several minutes she hooked me up with a thing called BetaFix. I'm supposed to dose him with it for the next 7 days and it should make him all better.

I sure hope so because I have grown strangely attached to this little fish and have taken my fishy nursing duties very seriously. In addition to the medicine I've been telling him encouraging things like "you can do it little fishy, I know you can!" and "just hang in there and you'll feel better soon".

If I do say so myself, I have very good tank side manners.


Anonymous said...

Hey you should talk to Faith.
She has a tank at the store. Shes dealt with what is called "ick".
Having to dose the whole tank and all.
Im pulling for your little guy.
Hope he does well soon. Love Antie

Faithicus said...

The fish: A 'replaceable' pet.
But one that people get strangely attached to... even if they don't admit it.

There are lots of fishy illnesses but there are also lots of fishy medicines and remedies. My friend just went thru the same problem, but 'Alberto' is pulling thru nicely. Some fish are fairly delicate creatures. The beta however, tends to be more on the hearty side.
I hope Hank starts perking up soon. Glad to see you are trying to healivate him. ~~ ><> ~~

Traci said...

I'm so sorry about Hank! I hope that you're able to nurse him back to health.

Did I ever tell you about Mister Fish? Herman bought him for his company, so that they could have something live and moving around to watch when they were testing their cameras. He wasn't even my fish, and I had no right (or reason) to get attached to him. But I did. And he died. And it made me very sad. So I decided never to get a fish again because it's just too risky.

Florence Nightingill...hee hee.

Meggie said...

Where are the pictures of the "big texas hair" I've been hearing about??????? I'm waiting!

Anonymous said...

Poor Hank,

Glad that you have come to the plate for the little fishy guy.
Good take manners are nice so when Kev gets sick, you can use them on him! Ü
love ya

Anonymous said...

Ok, next time I will reread my comments when sick before I publish....

love ya