It's been a while

Thursday, October 16, 2008 I just typed a huge long post and then erased it. Because I'm special like that.

Here I go...starting over. I doubt it will be nearly as witty as it was before. Poop.

My post started with an apology for not being a very good blogger lately. I've been frustrated, grumpy and whiney. Those things don't add up to very good blogging. Now that I think about it...I probably haven't been a blast to live with either. (Sorry, Kevin).

Things are looking up, however, and I'm feeling much more optimistic and perky. I think that this will help me be a more consistent blogger. We'll see.

Today the things I have to tell you don't really flow well together so rather than wrack my brains and try to make it cohesive, I'm just going to do a numbered list of some of the random happenings in my life right now.

1. I have an interview with a temporary staffing agency on Monday. I am very excited about it because now I won't have to take back some of the cute new work clothes I bought.

2. I spilled an entire soda on the floor of my car today. It took the creepiness level of my car's carpet past what I could tolerate so I bought some heavy duty car upholstery cleaner. I then spent about an hour of my afternoon detailing my car...leather cleaner, amorall...the works. It now feels like I'm driving a brand new car!

However, it still smells like crayons. But that's not my fault. Apparently all 2001 VW Beetles smell like crayons. I did buy a vanilla car smelly thing, though. So now it will smell like vanilla crayons. MMmmmMMmmm..

3. I bought a wood burner a while ago and have been experimenting with making balsa wood bookmarks.

Here are my first attempts.

The brown is the burned part and then the colors are watercolors. They still need a coat of varnish.

4. A couple of weeks ago we went to the Texas State Fair.

These are both "Big Tex".

The bottom one talks intermittently. And has some rather ill-fitting pants. Tapered leg jeans don't look good on anyone, seriously! But apparently he's very near and dear to the heart of most Texans so I won't tell you how creepy I think he is. Oh, wait, I just did.

I think they should have defibrillators sporadically placed throughout the fairgrounds because I have never seen so many fried foods for sale IN MY LIFE. I was surprised people weren't dropping like flies all around me from their arteries being instantaneously clogged. Especially since the "special" this year was...ahem...chicken fried bacon.

Luckily, I wasn't in the mood for fried foods that day (which is weird because I am ALWAYS in the mood for fried foods). But I did cave and split a fried Snickers and some fried Oreos with Kevin. I could have done without the fried Snickers but the fried Oreos...holy cow! They were DELISH. They might be the only reason that I go back to the fair next year.

The highlight of the fair for me was that I got to feed and pet a baby version of my favorite type of cow. A Scottish Highland. I cannot tell you how much I want one for a pet. They are like a dog/cow hybrid and SO cute.'s taken me longer than I'd wanted to write this post so I'll leave you on that cute fuzzy note!



Anonymous said...

Love your bookmarks!! Especially the blue with flowers.
I have spilled tea in my car and its gone rancid. aghhh the smell so I understand how you feel about getting it out and making it fresh again. I think bugs are so cool and I can so see you driving one.
Hey you should rent, I think its called April Love, with Ann Margaret and Pat Boone, it takes place at the Texas State fair and that Big TEX or one like him talking the whole time. Guess Im showing my age. Glad your back. !!!!

Monica W. said...

Happiness! The bookmarks came out great! I love the one with the yellow and red flowers on it. It's my fav! I am so glad that you decided to do the temporary job thingie. That's such a good idea! You have to call me when you get a job so we can simultaneously do the happy dance across several states! I look forward to the day :-) I finished your present yesterday. Now the only downer is that I have to wait 2 1/2 months to give it to you, awww...Well, hope you have a great day! Kissy kiss :D

Traci said...

I'm so glad you're back!!!

So. The Texas State Fair. Last weekend Herman was watching a football game that, apparently was taking place by the TSF. They kept showing all of these deep fried things and I kept thinking that was insane.

But you liked the deep fried snikers? Interesting...Is that another gateway?

Oh, and great job on the bookmarks. Are you planning on selling them in your etsy store?

Nicole said...

Oooo I love the wood burned one with the orange, yellow and red flowers! VERY cute!!!

Faithicus said...

Love the bookmarks! They are adorable. And fried snickers bar? Classic southern fair food at its best.
Hope tomorrow goes well for you.
Will be praying...
be sure to keep all your fans posted. :)

Shelley said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for all your kind words about my bookmarks!!!

Stacey said...

Hahahaha! K, so first, I had to laugh that you wrote "poop", 'cause that is apparently Zoe's fav word lately - she likes to say it to people to see what kind of reaction she gets. Not a proud moment for me. Second, I was so glad that you hadn't posted for a while so that I didn't feel so bad about it being 3 WEEKS since I last posted. And lastly, but certainly not least...fried Oreos ARE so very good! I had them several years ago when I went to lunch with some friends - this cute little lunch place was serving them and we all shared some. Mm, mm, mm!

Anonymous said...

Loved the book marks and think you should go bigger with them and make them into picutes to be framed and you could even make seasons for your flowers and sell them. Or really big and make head boards???
Just a thought ..
You are sooo talented...
Love ya

Nicole said...

Hey could you make a bigger version of the red, orange, and yellow flower bookmark thingy? I'd love for that to be on our mantle!