Good Times, Good Times

Sunday, November 30, 2008

This Thanksgiving was the first Thanksgiving that Kevin and I did not spend with either of our immediate families. Since we will be flying back to Idaho for Christmas we decided to take a "little" road trip to Florida to spend Thanksgiving with my long lost cousins and my Mom's side of the family.

The last time I had really spent time with my cousins I was, oh, 15ish, so I was a little nervous during the drive over there thinking "hmmm what if I don't fit in? what if no one likes me?"

I'm so silly.

They liked me just fine (or if they didn't, they did a VERY good job pretending). I fit right in and had a great time getting to know them all again.

There was lots of laughing and teasing and reminiscing. So much so that I didn't take very many pictures at all. Unfortunately I didn't pictures of everyone there. Fooey!

Here are some of the ones I did remember to take though!

This is is us Friday night when we went out for sushi. (Ok. I didn't eat sushi, I had japanese fried chicken. But I did use chopsticks!)

Across from me is my cousin DF, next to her my cousin in law, Mari, & on the end is my cousin, TJ.

This is me and my 2 girl cousins, Katie (who got all of the height in the family!) and DF.

Here is the obligatory family shot where 3 people are actually looking at the right camera and the rest of everyone look silly.

This is the only picture I have of my Antie. Boo.

We had such a good time with everyone. We can't wait to go back and laugh with them again soon!


Anonymous said...

I like the pic of Joans 3 grand daughters together. You guys are so similar in many things. And yet very different. It was so good to see you all together.
So good to have you both for TD and hope you can come and stay with us again soon. I promise to get more cousins over!!!!

Faithicus said...
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Faithicus said...

We had a blast with you here.
I hope you return soon and for longer.
We need more time to talk, laugh, site-see and do loads of stellar crafts. Thanks for teaching me about embroidery! I went and got
more supplies last night.
I had to get more needle threaders.
I already broke the three I bought!! lol. I'm mental. :)

And of course you fit in !!
It's that Foster blood. No mistaking it. :)

PS- You would put up the shot
where I have like 8 chins. BOOO!

Shelley said...


How in the world did you break needle threaders? 'Splain, sista.

And I sure hope we (or at least I) can make it back soon. It was so great to hang out and get to know you. are a big ole liar cuz your note did too make me cry. But I'm a cry baby and it's not hard!

Sorry 'bout the picture...I had 3 and I couldn't figure out which one made who look bad. I honestly thought it was the one that you looked good in. Do I get points for trying?