If only they had life size gnomes!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Yesterday I started my new job.

Yes, internets…I got a job and forgot to tell you about it. I know, I know! I'm horrible and bad and I should be grounded. But I got distracted by the road trip and stuffing my face full of food and I forgot to blog for a bit so you must forgive me because now you know and I'm going to tell you all about it!

The job itself is not very exciting. Just a front desk/reception/grunt job. The major upside is that the commute is not awful and there isn't really any good shopping close by which keeps me from shopping on my lunch break.

The cool part is the type of company I work for. No boring property management place or law firm. This place does event planning, trade shows, themed corporate events and things of that nature all over Texas. Whatever kind of theme you can imagine, they can provide.

I got a firsthand look as I was getting the “first day tour”. We walked through the boring normal sales office and then they took me into the warehouse and much to my delight I was looking at rows and rows of props. Wonderful things like life size long horns steers, medieval knights, etc all smushed together on tall metal shelves. It was all I could do to remain professional and not whip out my phone and ask them to take a picture of me with the cows and knights.

Then they took me into the art room. Oh the art room...the wonderful wonderful art room. It's in there that they make the props and things that they need. Well some of it. They have some stuff fabricated for them. There are power tools and paints and all sorts of fun materials. I almost started twitching with desire when we were in there. I had no idea that kind of job existed outside of my dreams. I’m hoping to somehow figure out what I need to do to work in that room. That magical magical room.

Until then, I’m up at the front desk trying to figure out which calls go where, making files, updating calendars and thankful that they finally gave me a space heater (which I have nicknamed R2D2 because he’s round and kind of looks like he should start beeping and waddling around at any second) because it was so cold that I kept running to the breakroom to reheat my cup of tea to warm my hands with and shivering violently every minute or so.

And while this place is full to brim of wonderful props and creativity it is sorely lacking in technological advancements. My poor sad computer is so slow I might as well be using dial up. And if that weren’t bad enough, they make me use a TYPEWRITER to type up labels.

A freaking typewriter, people!

A freaking typewriter with no ability to remove errors.

Um. Hello.

It’s 2008.

Not only do we not have to use typewriters anymore, I’m pretty sure that if one becomes necessary that they make ones that have the ability to erase mistakes. Thus saving time and frustration.

I am not at all joking when I say that it took me at least a half an hour perhaps longer to type up FIVE labels.


Let’s just say that I would not have lasted long in the secretarial pool of the previous century. Nope. Not one day.

Anyway…all of that to say…I have a job. It is going fine, I haven’t messed up too badly yet, I am beginning to make some friends and am very proud of myself for having resisted the temptation to become better acquainted with the props.


Meggie said...

wow.. a typewriter... wow.

Anonymous said...

Hey Shell,
You are a hoot!
I can just see your eye's get really big with wonder and excitement as you walked through the art/prop room....
Hope R2D2 continues to work and never malfunctions or walks away!
We have an old type writer here you can practice on while you are here. It was the one that went through college with Dad...
Love ya