Deckin' the Halls, Ya'll

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Today I went shopping with my landlord/good friend, Lisa, at a great mall in North Dallas. It was just the thing I needed to put me in the Christmas spirit.

Our most memorable stops included Anthropologie , Paper Source, Lush.

I was very proud of my self restraint at all of the stores but especially at Anthropologie and Paper Source. Oh, I long to live there. There are so many things that I absolutely LOVE at that store that it is hard for me to pick just one or two things. It is also hard for me to stand still for long because as soon as I get to something fabulous, something else fabulous catches my eye and off I go! So I was quite proud that all I bought was a a wee owl cup.

A wee owl cup that no more than 10 minutes later I managed to drop and break into several pieces!

Kevin is currently working on piecing him back together. He's quite experienced in piecing my "oopses" back together. Once my wee owl is back together I will post a picture of him as he is quite adorable.

As for Paper store is wonderful. Absolutely wonderful. Beautiful papers and gift wraps. Fun things to make and the supplies to make them with. Awesome stationary and supplies. Basically, it feels like walking into a craft closet at Martha Stewarts house. So the fact that I walked out of there only $40 poorer makes me quite proud of myself.

After we were done shopping and Lisa dropped me back off at my house, I was positively brimming with Christmas spirit. I was finally ready to drag out the boxes of Christmas decorations and have at it. Unfortunately, I had not yet bought our Christmas tree and I was determined to have a white one.

So I headed off to W-Mart to purchase a white pre-lit one that I had previously seen there for the low low price of $35. And after wrangling my wonky cart (one of those that goes thunka thunka thunka) through the throngs of people I arrived at the fake tree aisle to find that the tree I wanted was out of stock. I could buy a pink one (which I would love but Kevin would not appreciate) or a regular green one. Neither of those options worked for me so I bought another white tree for $5 more.

I then took my wonkified cart all over W-Mart gathering a few more items that I "needed". In the process, I had one of those moments that make the aging process all the more real.

I gave some young teenagers the "look".

You know, the look adults give to youngins when they are being entirely too obnoxious for the situation.

Unfortunately, I only appear to be 3 years older than them so they just thought I was a stuck up high-schooler thus making it entirely ineffective.

At that point, I figured that I needed to get out of W-Mart before I did something I would regret.

When I got home I had Kevin start to assemble the Christmas tree at which point we discovered that this tree was NOT pre-lit causing a mini-melt down on my part as we don't have any white Christmas lights and I DO NOT WANT TO GO BACK TO W-MART TONIGHT!!!!

So as I write this I am staring at the white pole/base thing of that stupid Christmas tree and trying hard to muster up the necessary Christmas spirit required to assemble it and then venture back out into the cruel cruel world to get some freaking lights to put on it.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

That is so funny. If you want to wait for lights I have 2 gianormous containers of white lights that I dont use anymore. The small child that lives in me and awakens this time of the year, decided that we would put up colored lights outside. To uncle Toms great dismay I repurchased lights, brightly colored ones to hand on our home,explaining that the grandchildren would like these better.Ü UPS???? hehehe

Shelley said...

Of course, you had to buy bright colored lights for the kids! He should know that!

As for us, we'll be running out this afternoon to get some lights but thanks for your kind offer ;)

Monica W. said...

BAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!! That was a funny post shell. I laughed very hard because I totally would have reacted in the same way :-) Yes, I would love for you to come and see my house! Whatever day works for you I will probably be free. Oh, and i did not get that job that I really wanted, but tis ok. I called them and they basically said that they wanted to hire me but after reviewing their finances, the people in-charge of all the money at the hospital decided that they didnt want to hire anymore people for that position afterall. Um, yeah...those jerks :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved the brimming with Christmas spirit as you walked around with your wonkafied cart to giving the teenagers "the look" we all know so well, to going back to Wmart to get freaking lights!
You SO make me smile...