
Monday, November 17, 2008

1. It's cold here.

2. Not cold cold. Like in Idaho. But cold enough for hot chai tea (thank you Costco for the amazing deal on Tazo Chai...3 boxes for $8) and warm sweaters and jeans.

3. My interview last week went ok, I think. I never can tell. I hate interviews. They have to be nice to you and pretend that you have a chance....but in reality, the interviewer almost always goes back to their co-workers and makes fun of you. Or says that you were awesome and should get the job...but most of the time it's the first one.

4. My fish is still dying...slowly. I'm considering ending his misery and flushing him down the toilet but I can't figure out if that is more cruel than a slow death. He's currently floating sideways. He can't seem to correct himself and swim normally. So everytime I go in to check on him he looks dead but I wiggle his jar to make sure. Well, that seems to scare him so he darts all around the jar and then comes back up and floats sideways at the top. Breaks my heart.

5. Before we moved here I was worried that the leaves on the trees wouldn't turn colors. That's my favorite part of the year, when all of the leaves go from green to all of these amazing vivid colors. God is so good to give us a last visual present before the world goes bleak for a while. He didn't have to do that...but He did and I love that.

But I wasn't sure if the types of trees that live down here turned colors because when we visited last year, we came a couple weeks after all the leaves had fallen off and I didn't know if they turned colors first or just turned brown and dropped.
Well, I'm happy to report that at least some of them turn colors first! Including the 2 trees in our front yard!


6. We spent about an hour and a half raking leaves from those 2 trees yesterday. Probably didn't need to take an hour and a half but you could say that I revisited my 15 year old self who procrastinates A LOT when it comes to yardwork and who took many many avoidance water and bathroom breaks.

Also...I hate nature to touch me. Leaves, grass, dirt...no thank you. And even though I had my super cute (never before used) gardening gloves on having dead leaves get on me kind of freaked me out.

Creeps me out just to think about it.

Anyhow...because of this, let's call it a nature related tactile issue.... getting me to do yardwork can be very similar to herding cats. I tend to get "distracted" a lot and try to do other things. Things like focusing on how the front walk needs to be swept or how messy the flower beds in front of our house were (see...still yard work but it didn't involve dead leaves trying to get all over me). Every time we took a break or needed a new bag, I would sweep or start pulling out weeds and stuff. I was secretly hoping Kevin would forget about me and just carry on with the leaf pile removal. He didn't forget about me though.

Thanks to Kevin's persistence (and my distractions), our front yard looks respectable again! All of the leaves have been removed as well as a great majority of the weeds (and something that I thought was a weed but ended up being the root structure for St. Augustine grass that hadn't had a chance to go underground yet. Oops).

9. Here's a picture of me with my new hat. I love it and have been wearing it a lot.

10. Hope you all have a great week!


Anonymous said...

So glad your back! Now for catch up.
Yeah Bulgaria!! So exciting cant wait to see you in person and share.
So sorry for Hank. Faith has had the same sad struggle from time to time.
You are so funny about yard work!!Ü
Hope you get the job you really are
hoping for.
Love Antie

Faithicus said...

Love the hat. So cute ! :)
Good luck with Hankicus Maximus.