She Blogs Again

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Anyone out there?

I know. I've neglected you. I've abandoned you. I've been a bad bad blogger. But I'm back. And I come armed with excuses!

You see, I have had a very busy and interesting several weeks. The last post I wrote you was right before I went with Kevin on a trip to Abilene and while we were there we sent my computer in to get a new motherboard (it had been deciding to just turn itself off and that's not a good thing in a computer).

Then when we got back from Abilene, I was still computerless for several days so I couldn't blog because Kevin and I don't share computers very well. But it was for the best because I had to get serious about a pumpkin carving contest that weekend. And, in case you are interested, I took the trophy for Rookie of the Year. That trophy is 2 inches tall and is now proudly displayed on my mantle. Although since it is so tiny I'd have to point it out to you if you were to come over to my house.

Here's all the "winners" from the night....and if you look reeeeaalllll closely you can see our trophies on top of our pumpkins. (you can click on the picture to make it bigger) My friend/landlord, Lisa, is next to me. She won 3rd overall!

This is what some of the pumpkins looked like all lit up. Mine is the one on the far right. It's a lil' owl sitting on top of a pumpkin. Lisa's is the skeleton next to mine that looks like it's about to jump out of the pumpkin and give you a wedgie. (argh! I keep spelling pumpkin "pumpking"!! does anyone else do that?)

After my glorious pumpkin carving victory, I temped for about 2 weeks at a job with a 2 (sometimes 2 1/2) hour daily commute, which sucked the life and soul out of me. They offered me the job permanently but I said as politely as I could..."no freaking way am I doing this commute every day". And even though they begged and pleaded and offered me an insane amount of money I stood firm (really...they did beg and plead and offer me A LOT of was very good for my self esteem). So the job hunt continues. I have a couple of interviews this week, including one that seems very promising.

In other news, Kevin and I went to an adoption seminar/conference this weekend at our church. We are in the very beginning stages of starting an international adoption. Please keep us in your prayers as we begin our search for an agency, decide for certain which country we will be adopting from (right now we are leaning towards Bulgaria) and begin to save up for the various costs involved (this is one of the huge reasons that I have been wanting so badly to get a job).

Well that pretty much brings you up to speed with what has been going on in my life over the past 2 weeks. I should be back to posting several times a week if not more from here on out.

How have you all been doing? Anything fun? Does it feel like Fall where you are?


Traci said...

Hey Rookie. Glad to see you back.

Congrats on the great pumpkin win - I love your owl. You did a mighty impressive job!

I can't wait to hear how the seminar went. I'm so excited that you guys are embarking on this crazy journey. And selfishly...glad to have someone else along for the ride. It's a crazy world, and I welcome you and Kevin to it.

Traci said...

Oh. And nice sweatshirt.

Emily said...

Welcome back to the world of blogging, you've been dearly missed :-( I saw the teething giraffes are Traci's blog, so cute!

Shelley said...

Traci! I totally forgot that we were sweatshirt twinsies! That thing is so comfie!! I wish I were like you and had 3!'s good to be back!

Stacey said...

Shelley! I had no idea you guys were looking into adoption. That is so great! You will be in my prayers. Are you hoping for an infant or a child? And Bulgaria - we have a friend who immigrated here from Bulgaria when he was 12. Cool! I look forward to reading more. . .

Anonymous said...

Alright, I love Bulgria!!!!!
(Oh, I think your pumkin was the best anyway!) Yeah, I am not the proud Mom in any way shape or form.

Thanks for keeping us up to date with the going's on of Kev and Shell....

One of my favorite couples to keep up with !!!
Love ya

Anonymous said...

Ok, I had a glass of wine so it is Bulgaria!!! Ü

Anonymous said...

Good to hear again:) And your pumpkin freaking rocks! However, the other ones are pretty cool too:)

Congratulations about the whole adoption process. That is very exciting!

Can't wait to show you guys our house when you come!

Meggie said...

I'm so glad to see you posting again. I love your blog. Keep on doing it!!!!