Back on the Wagon

Sunday, March 15, 2009

So I've been thinking a lot about this whole blogging thing and why I was doing it in the first place and why I stopped and if I should continue. I've decided that I should a different way. I think I'm going to try and keep it more photos and shorter stories rather than the longer narratives I was trying to do.

I just have too much going on right now to try and write too much. Well. That's not exactly true. I don't really have that much going on. I just don't have a whole lot of creative energy to expend after spending 8 hours a day at a job that does its best to suck the life out of me Dementor-style (for those of you who are unfamiliar with Harry Potter...a Dementor is prison guard that lives on other peoples misery and likes to suck out their souls - lovely, no?).

So I'm going to just try and post here little quips about my day and what I'm up to.

Now that I've gotten that out of the way...this weekend was full of firsts for me.

Karaoke AND Dim Sum.

On Saturday night, a group of us went out to celebrate a couple birthdays and one birthday request was to go to a local dive bar and listen to some karaoke (which I spelled correctly on my first try, thankyouverymuch). We were told that this was NOT your typical karaoke. It was supposed to be full of people who could get record deals if they wanted them and we were going to be blown away by the talent.



I guess the people who were the super uber awesome karaoke-ers got married or moved away or something and in their stead were less than super uber awesome karaoke-ers who sang loudly and drunkly and often.

It's good to try new things though and I'm glad we went. Especially now that it's been a day and my ears have stopped ringing.

Speaking of new things.

Dim Sum = Dim Yum.

We went with one of the birthday boys, Steve, who is of Chinese descent for dim sum today. It was a cool experience. Pretty much everyone there was Chinese. Steve said it was pretty authentic and when his parents come that's where they want to eat. I didn't try anything too crazy or anything but there was some mystery meat involved. I'm telling myself it was just beef....let's just say that it was and call it good.

(psst....Traci, I thought of you the whole time I was there!)

The rest of the weekend involved cleaning the house, napping and watching Battle Star Glactica and Arrested Development.

Well, folks, that's my update! I'll be back tomorrow. See you then!


Emily said...

So nice to hear from you, I miss you :-) I love your blogging. Makes me feel close to you even though we're many miles away. Love you! Have a good day tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Hey Shelley!
So glad that re-evaluated and decided to keep on a blogin!
I have enjoyed your anecdotes and quips on life in the "BIG T"!!! And for a while was a big reason for me to boot up! Thank goodness for FB in the interim ! LOL LOL
What exactly is DIM SUM?
Love antie

Traci said...

Dim Sum = Dim Yum? ha ha. Genius. It might have to replace our current favorite (from Pushing Daisies): "Dim Sum, Lose some". I'm so proud of you for trying it! What'd you have? I'm not a very adventurous Dim Sum-mer. I like the radish cakes and the beefy noodle thing, but totally stay away from the intestine or chicken feet. Go figure.

And I'm also super glad that you're going to continue bloggin'. I think you put way too much pressure on yourself...your fans just love knowing what's up in your world. One sentence would be fine...or a photo. :) We love you!

Shelley said...

Em...I know what you mean. Reading your blog makes me feel closer to you too! Love you!

Antie...I'm glad you enjoy the blogaroo! Dim Sum is a Chinese meal that involves a lot of, um, interesting dishes. Ask Faithicus.

T-Dog...I really have no idea what I had. It was set up buffet style, which Steve said was really unusual and he said that alot of the more traditional dishes weren't out that day. I was kind of bummed about that. I think we are going to go back again and I'll take pictures and then you can tell me if you've had any.

Also thanks for the words of encouragement everyone!