Fort Worth

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Over the long weekend, Kevin's parents came to visit us. It was their first time down to see us so we drove around a lot and showed them all of the cool parts of Dallas and Fort Worth. Well, probably not all since we are still pretty new to the area and are finding out new stuff all the time.

For the most part I didn't take that many photos but I did take quite a few the day we went to Fort Worth.


The Fort Worth Stockyards are one of the most touristy parts of Texas, I think. But it was still cool to go and see that part of western history and imagine what it must have been like back then.

There are cowboys and cowgirls dressed up in authentic garb and on their horses and then twice a day this street gets a taste of the old west with a "cattle drive".

Hmmph. Cattle drive.

It's about 10 longhorns hustled down about a block and then they go to a pasture to graze during the day. I was very dissappointed. I'm not sure what I was expecting though. Maybe more cows? Maybe cows that didn't look bored? I don't know.

The highlight of my time at the Stockyards was Big Jake.

He has a saddle and if you have $5, you can sit on him. I didn't have $5 so there is no picture of me grinning from ear to ear on top of Big Jake. Because I would have had the most idiotic huge smile on my face if I could have sat on top of that giant cow. *sigh* Next time I'll bring $5.

psst...if you look closely in the background you will see my mother in law, Kathy, at the picnic table. We brought a yummy lunch and had a delightful picinic. The weather was surprisingly nice.

After the Stockyards we went to the Log Cabin Village about 10 minutes away. It's set in a pretty little wooded area and I loved it there.

There were about 6 cabins that had been relocated to the property and inside they were set up with furniture and items that would have been used during that time.

My favorite was an old mill with a working water wheel.

There were also docents in period dress throughout the area and they offered helpful glimpses into life back then.

This cabin was especially cool because it was divided into 2 rooms by a breezeway. On one side was the kitchen/dining area and the other a living/sleeping area. This helped to keep the heat from the kitchen out of the sleeping areas in the summer. Bleh. I don't even want to think about Texas in the summer without airconditioning!!

There was also a cabin that was full of replicas of old timey things that gave people a chance to feel and experience the lifestyle without worry about damaging antiques. It was pretty cool.

My favorite was this morter and pestle. They had coffee beans and dried grains that you could smash up. I found it oddly relaxing and have been trying to figure out what possible use I could have for one.

After that we did a brief driving tour of downtown Fort Worth (which is GORGEOUS!) and I saw this groovy old building with a suit of armor at the top of it!

We had an overall lovely weekend visit with Kathy and Larry and were so glad that they could come and visit us. Now our guest room is empty and sad and lonely. Would anyone like to come and stay for a while?


Unknown said...

It looks so pretty! Thanks for sharing the pictures!