Welcome to My New Schedule

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

I've always been someone who valued routine but not necessarily schedules. I get distracted too easily and always end up way behind on the schedule. I found that kind of discouraging so I gave up and just figured that I was the type of girl that needs an idea of a plan without the restrictions of a timeline. But I'm seeing that now as less character trait and more character flaw (lack of discipline).

By saying I want to do xy&z without a timeline to do it left me too much freedom to do everyting and nothing at all. And that's not working for me any longer (truthfully it never really worked!)

So today I put together a schedule for my evenings.

6-6:45 go to the gym
7-7:30 dinner
7:30-8 chores
8-8:30 blog, journal or catch up on e-mails
8:30-9:30 creative time
9:30 -11 free time in 1/2 hour chunks to be used as necessary (time with Kevin, more creative time etc)
11-11:30 get ready for bed
11:30 lights out

I fully expect this schedule to be modified until it matches my needs/lifestyle but so far so good! In fact, tonight I have followed my schedule to the minute and am amazed at how freeing it has been. I thought I would feel really constricted and oppressed by the clock (tick tock tick tock tick tock) and that following a schedule would be a struggle for me. Instead, I've found that using up my entire block of time to accomplish a task has give me the freedom to do it thoroughly and not feel rushed to do the next thing.

For example, I was cleaning the kitchen and kept thinking that I needed to hurry up so I could blog. But then I would realize that I had still 15 minutes left to clean and I didn't need to hurry at all! I could take my time and really put things away where they needed to go. I found that what I thought would take 15 minutes really only took 5. So I had another 10 whole minutes to straighten up the living room and my reading nook.

When 8:00 came around I was pretty surprised at how much I had accomplished in my half an hour and was able to sit down to at my laptop guilt free. I hadn't rushed to get things done and I also wasn't using blogging to procrastinate doing something else by blogging because that something else had either already been taken care of or would be taken care of at its alotted time.

And now it's 8:30, time to sew!

Yay for schedules!!


Unknown said...

I love schedules, I'm just so terrible at sticking to them! I do really well in the mornings and then I go capoot in the afternoon. Best of luck to you, it is freeing when you feel like you've done everything you wanted to throughout the day!

Unknown said...

how's it going?

Shelley said...

oy. Tuesday was AWESOME. Yesterday went so so. Today....oh, today....I just want to curl up on the sofa and not wake up until tomorrow!

But I'm going to persevere instead. I'm about a 1/2 hour behind on my schedule so that's not too bad. The problem is more my motivation...I just don't want to do the things on my schedule. I guess that's the discipline part of this whole thing. Doing stuff because I need to rather than because I want to.