Felix, the Mio...the Wonderful Wonderful Mio

Thursday, November 29, 2007

This is Felix.

He is a Mio, GPS thingy. We love him. His soothing voice has guided us all over the city. Important important places like Starbucks, Target and Ikea.

Because of our newfound friend, Felix, we have not had any of our normal vacation navigation spats. I love that! In fact when we are driving, I can just tune out and enjoy the sites. This is a good thing because Kevin has really taken to this big city driving thing. Dodging and darting in and out of traffic. So I just go zen and look out the window and grimace just a bit as my body sways this way and that.
This is my "Kevin's in Traffic" face.

I sure hope the old adage about faces, and "freezing that way" aren't true.


Emily said...

I'm so glad you like your friend Felix the Mio :-) How's the trip going? Is Dallas growing on you?